Turkish: Dative Case

I am learning Turkish

[Originally posted on 03/31/16 on the Duolingo Turkish for English speakers forum by MeteUlku]


In Turkish, it is called as “Yönelme Durumu/İsmin “-e” hali”. As in the Turkish called, there are only “-e” and “-a” suffixes on this subject in Turkish. Did it relieve you, didn’t it? 🙂

  • We must look at the last vowel of a word:

  1. If it is: “a, o, ı, u”, the suffix will be “-a”.
  2. If it is “e, ö, i, ü”, the suffix will be “-e”.

  • If a word ends with a consonant, it must mutate because of consonant mutation: Well, what is consonant mutation? Check here first: Consonant Mutation

  1. Kitap (book) + (“p” turns into “b” because of consonant mutation) b + (the last vowel is “a” and the suffix must be “-a”) a = kitaba
  2. Ağaç (tree) + (“ç” turns into “c”) c + (the last vowel is “a” and the suffix must be “-a”) a = ağaca

  • If a word ends with a vowel, we must add “y” before dative suffixes:

  1. Kapı (door) + (it ends with a vowel, we must add “y”) y + (the last vowel is “ı”) a = kapıya
  2. Sandalye (chair) + (it ends with a vowel) y + (the last vowel is “e”) e = sandalyeye

And, accusative form is here: Accusative Case

Best regards.

[Updated by Danika_Dakika starting 03/01/22]

I am learning Turkish

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