Meaning of “fille” in French

I am learning French

[Originally posted on 03/26/14 on the Duolingo French for English speakers forum by Remy]

In French, “fille” has two meanings:

1) “girl”, when the sentence is about a female child.

  • Ex: “Je suis une fille.” translates to “I am a girl.”

In such case, “daughter” is NOT accepted on Duolingo.

2) “daughter”, when the sentence clearly implies a family connection between some parent(s) and the female child.

  • Ex: “C’est notre fille.” translates to “She is our daughter.”

In such case, “girl” is also accepted on Duolingo. Note that “fille” in the sense of “daughter” is often preceded by a possessive adjective (ma/ta/sa/notre/votre/leur).

You have to use the context to determine whether you should translate “fille” to “girl” or “daughter”.

Selected comments on original post


Merci pour l’information utile!


N’oubliez pas votre « l’ » ! 😉


I always forget!! It’s so frustrating when you make little mistakes, you know? );


I can relate. I started DL to review my French that I take in school (I now use DL only for German) and I didn’t realize that even in my 2nd year I forgot that fille meant girl, homme means boy and that comme means like (not aimer like, but in a simile).

Remy [contributor]

“homme” means “man”

“garçon” means “boy”


that deserves a lingot, mes ami Remy

Remy [contributor]

*mon ami 😉


What is the word for daughter? If I were to say “I am a daughter”?

Remy [contributor]



Can “ma fille” also mean my girlfriend?

Remy [contributor]

No, “ma fille” does not mean “my girlfriend”.

I am learning French

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