Des vs De (Tip 1)

I am learning French

[Originally posted on 03/29/14 on the Duolingo French for English speakers forum by xaponeis]

Often, I didn’t understand some answers Duolingo provides me. When the answers had a plural noun, sometimes it precedes with « des » and sometimes with « de ».

So, I look around in some grammar sites and I found out, hope this can help some people who have the same doubts that I did.

Normally, a plural noun is preceded by « des » but when there is an adjective between the noun and the article undefined « des » becomes « de ».

For example:

  • des chaussures
  • des chaussures blanches
  • de grandes chaussures

By the way, I really think Duolingo should have a grammar tab with more informations, imho the most important think when learning a new language is grammar and that could be a priority than others no so essencial feature. Just my opnion.

And above all, I love Duolingo. Congratulations Duolingo team for the wonderfull

Tip 1: Des vs De
Tip 2: De vs Des/Un/Du/De la
Tip 3: Ce sont vs Ces sont

Selected comments on original post


This is a great Tip. I agree with you about the grammar tab. I also think they need a Vocab Tab. We can always learn more words. And that tab could be something that they would even let us fill in as very partial translation credit.


Thats true, hope they come back soon with vocabulary tab and brings us some news like a grammar tab!


I give you heart. Keep on the good job.


Thanks PERCE 🙂 I’ll try to keep writing some articles with the most common mistakes…

I am learning French

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